Clearstream Filters Inc. is a leading manufacturer of micron rated filter bags. Designed to meet the requirements of all types of liquid filtration applications, we manufacture filter bags for all of our CF model bag filter housings and for industry standard filter housings. We carry a wide range of media, and rings or flanges and can manufacture bags in all types and sizes. Our filter bag media include felt (polyester and polypropylene), mesh (nylon monofilament and polyester multifilament) and liquid filtration bags suited for oil removal.
Clearstream also provides covered filter bags. The cover contains any fibers that may separate from the felt bag. Bags are available in nylon mesh, polyester mesh and cerex.
The liquid filter bags (and housings) produced by Clearstream Filters are used in a wide number of industries such as paper, food and petroleum and for a variety of applications such as removing undispersed solids, filtering condensate, and removing plastic fines from water. 

If you are unfamiliar with filter bag nomenclature please click on How to Order in the Filter Bags drop down menu. It will give you a break down on how to order Clearstream filter bags.

Clearstream filter bag features include:

  • high solids collection capacity-solids are contained in bag for easy disposal 
  • interior of vessel remains clean after bag removal, thus reducing clean up time 
  • multi-layer filtering capabilities for higher dirt holding capacities 
  • wide array of media fibers to meet needed temperature and micron specifications 
  • broad range of proprietary media provides excellent filtration performance and greater consistency 
  • offered with plastic and metal rings for wide temperature compatibility 
  • weld or sewn construction 
  • silicone free to prevent craters to provide better surface results 
  • longer operating cycles 
  • lower operating costs

Filter Bag Styles and Application 

Performance Filter Bags

Performance Filter Bags and it's thermal bonding of the continuous fibers are used to create Performance Media. They prevent fiber shedding that can be encountered with some other media. With a gradient density fiber structure, Performance Filter Bag Media provides premium depth filtration, trapping a wide range of particles for cleaner fluid streams.

Polyester Multifilament and Nylon Monofilament Filter Bags

Polyester Multifilament Filter Bags are suitable for surface filtration. This low cost, disposable fabric consists of many smaller diameter threads twisted together. Available in 100-800 microns.

Nylon Monofilament Filter Bags have a woven fabric with evenly spaced holes. Suitable for surface filtration only. Monofilament consists of single untwisted thread. Bags are available in 25-800 microns.

Oil Removal Filter Bags

Oil Removal Filter Bags are designed to remove trace amounts of petroleum based products from paints, coatings, and other industrial fluids.

Features include low weight, compact design, high capacity per unit weight, high efficiency greater than 99% even on slightly soluble aromatic compounds (BTEX), high tech, energy efficient, removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) completely, and removes slightly soluble organics up to 100% from water.

Specialty and Custom Filter Bags

Specialty and Custom Filter Bags can be ordered in any size or shape. Features include optional covers, multiple layers, extended lengths and special shapes.

Available in felt, polyester, anode, cotton, and polypropylene materials in a wide range of micron ratings.

Special ring sizes in carbon or stainless steel also available on all materials.

Micron Rating Chart

Style Media Available Micron Ratings
1 3 5 10 15 25 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 400 600 800
Felt Polyester oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger          
Polypropylene oranger oranger oranger oranger   oranger oranger   oranger              
Multifilament Mesh Polyester                 oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger
Monofilament Mesh Nylon           oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger oranger

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